Monday, October 6, 2008

Wait Till Your Vampire Gets Home-

Wait Till Your Vampire Gets Home
Michele Bardsley
Signet, Nov 2008, $6.99
ISBN: 0451225503

In 1983 her parents created the Paranormal Research and Investigative Service (PRIS) two years before Seraphina Liberty Windsong Monroe was born. She grew up in a household that believed in all sorts of psychic phenomena though mom is still upset that her offspring prefers the name Libby as that is so un-paranormal.

Currently the Monroe trio is undercover in Broken Heart, Oklahoma tracking Bigfoot. Libby is Crystal One while mom is Ruby Two and dad is Sapphire Three. While Sapphire Three persuades Ruby Two to stop for a sugary Icee, Libby enters a cemetery where she witnesses a fight involving a vampire and dragons. When the female dragon Sybina is wounded and dying she kisses Libby, transferring her essence into the stunned woman although the vampire single dad Ralph Genessa gets some of the dragon’s life force. Outraged by what occurred, Synd the dragon plans to kill Libby, Ralph and their loved ones as the transfer of the dragon soul should have come to him not these two legged lowlifes.

Broken Heart has become the center of eerie paranormal weirdness in the amusing wild Bardsley universe (see BECAUSE YOUR VAMPIRE SAID SO). The latest story line is fast-paced and filled with jocularity as the skeptic finds realism and love even as her wacko gem parents have found nirvana in the undead father. Paranormal romance fans who appreciate something different will enjoy Libby’s tale of finding the supernatural and romance in small-town Oklahoma.

Harriet Klausner

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