Wednesday, August 8, 2007

The Sunrise Lands-S.M. Stirling

The Sunrise Lands
S.M. Stirling
Roc, Sep 2007, $24.95
ISBN 9780451461704

At the end of the twentieth century the Change occurred suddenly and stunningly; it left all technological advances of the past two centuries inoperative. Across America, people were stunned with the loss of taken for granted conveniences like electricity and computers, etc.

In Western Oregon by CY22 (Change Year 22), most, if not all locals, have adapted to the Change living in peaceful cooperation until the traveler from the east arrives. The stranger informs the tribe that he seeks Rudi Mackenzie, whose destiny the outsider insists is to learn what destroyed America and what technology can be salvaged. Meanwhile in the former Wyoming and Montana the Prophet and his Church Universal and Triumphant followers believe that God has sent them to destroy any remains of the technological serpent that drove people away from the heavenly father.

Now S.M. Stirling continues his alternate America with the second decade since the Change as a generation who never tasted technology is heading into adulthood. Thus the story line is fast-paced but also refreshed as Rudi, born of non technology, begins his odyssey across a world filled with Death Zones, massive deserts, and special interest sects protecting their little fiefdoms from outsiders. The audience does not need to read the previous set of the trilogy to appreciate this strong coming of age in a post technological un-United States.

Harriet Klausner

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