Thursday, August 9, 2007

The Eternal Rose-Gail Dayton

The Eternal Rose
Gail Dayton
Juno, Oct 2007, $13.95
ISBN: 9780809571659

Six years ago in Adara, the demon led rebels were defeated. Subsequently, Kallista Vary was appointed as the Renine. Although she felt good about the victory, she did not feel a celebration was in order, as extended family member Merinda was abducted and remains missing, leaving a hole in the united magic of nine.

Over the years she and her team rescue slave children, but finally word arrives that Merinda and her offspring reside in the household of a rival family in Daryath, the homeland of Kallista’s mate Obed. Using the pretense of an official state visit, Kallista and her retinue travel to Daryath to bring home Merinda and her child. However, instead of a simple retrieval, a murder of the godmarked Iliasti occurs most likely by a demon assassin; that is followed by the killing of a Daryath official. Tensions are high and war seems imminent as the demons manipulate behind the scenes.

The final One Rose Trilogy (see THE COMPASS ROSE and THE BARBED ROSE) is a terrific conclusion to a fascinating fantasy although it helps to have read the previous two stories in the saga in spite a cleverly interwoven "history". Kallista holds the exciting plot together as she and her complicated multiple partners make the Dayton universe seems real, which is the key to this fine tale of magic, demons, and killers. Fans will appreciate the wrap up and cast a spell on the author for more tales in this inventive realm.

Harriet Klausner

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