Sunday, November 6, 2011

World of Warcraft: Wolfheart-Richard A. Knaak

World of Warcraft: Wolfheart

Richard A. Knaak

Gallery, Sep 13 2011, $26.00

ISBN: 9781451605754

Fleeing Gilneas, the Worgen plead with the Alliance to accept them as a member. Filled with guilt over the Worgen Curse, Malfurion supports their position. However, King Varian opposes their entry and wants their ruler Genn dead. Although the monarch struggles with the recent merging of his two personas, the king has a short memory of Gilneas' role during the Second and Third Wars when they hid behind the Wall while Scourge devastated Lordaeron and the Forsaken conquered that kingdom.

At the same time the Highborne seek the Night Elf community who accepts them as an equal. Instead of being allowed to join, a serial killer assassinates the Highborne. Back from the Outland following the Illidan incident, Maiev investigates the murders.

Although the key characters act inconstantly and make strange decisions (one could claim they were under magical stress), Wolfheart is an interesting World of Warcraft sword and sorcery fantasy. The story line contains several more subplots than those above, but the theme predominantly is to join or not to join. Richard A. Knaak provides an overall solid entry with this Warcraft thriller.

Harriet Klausner

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