Sunday, October 12, 2008

Peacekeeper-Laura E. Reeve

Laura E. Reeve
Roc, Dec 2008, $6.99
ISBN: 0451462459

Fifteen years ago, the Armed Forces of the Consortium of Autonomous Worlds deactivated N-space pilot Major Ariane Kedros when her mission left behind an eradicated solar system. The Terran Expansion League, whose solar system and its inhabitants were murdered, believes she is a war criminal deserving execution. However, the AFCAW hide in a protection program the major and other alleged war criminals from the wrath of the TEL. Filled with guilt and remorse, currently she works for Aether Exploration in an uncharted sector seeking artifacts and occasionally goes on missions from AFCAW, who remind her she is still a reservist who can be deployed without notice.

However, someone has gotten inside the AFCAW databases to identify those who pandemic butchered the solar system. Twelve were assassinated including Ariane’s crewmember Cipher. Though she considers giving up her reserve commission and ergo AFCAW protection, Ariane accepts the mission to go undercover to expose the avenging killer; not understanding that her side has placed her as an expendable pawn in the elliptic path of the assassin.

PEACEKEEPER is an exhilarating military science fiction thriller that hooks readers from the opening scene when the AFCAW assign Ariane her orders. The story line is as fast-paced as any in recent memory as the heroine struggles with one deadly incident after another while her guilt threatens at any moment to overwhelm her. Fans will relish this fine tale as the challenges keep on mounting for a beleaguered heroine who believes her adversary has the right to kill war criminals like her though she will try her best to stop the killer.

Harriet Klausner

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