Sunday, March 22, 2009

Conspirator-C.J. Cherryh

C.J. Cherryh
Daw, Apr 28 2009, $25.95
ISBN: 9780756405700

The paidhi-aiji interpreter between the native Atevi and the stranded humans, Bren Cameron remains worried though the Atevi civil war has ended at least for now and his side victorious (see DELIVERER). He fears human technological and other intervention assimilating and ultimately destroying the Atevi lifestyle.

At the same time, there are still supporters of the vanquished usurper Murini and those loyal to the current regime claiming that Cajeiri, the heir to the Western Association leader, has spent too much time living with humans in their environs and is therefore no longer pure Atevi. Ironically the young heir fears what mankind offers as he knows how easily this could be adapted and ultimately would supersede their culture especially with its potential intrusiveness into the Atevi communication system. Cameron agrees with Cajeiri, but as he eludes assassins from both species, he struggles to keep his young obstinate friend from overreacting at the wrong time increasing hostilities.

The latest Foreigner science fiction thriller is a superb entry in a strong chronicle. Character driven by mostly Cajeiri and Bren, fans will appreciate the complex Atevi culture threatened by the potential human assimilation. Although newcomers will be lost in space as CONSPIRATOR is a direct sequel to DELIVERER, which in turn is a direct sequel to PRETENDER, etc., once again C.J. Cherryh provides an interesting tale of a human living in an alien culture; however, the additional spin of the impact on an Atevi youth having lived in a human culture for a couple of years refreshes the saga.
Harriet Klausner

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